Note: This form is for MANAGERS/RECEPTIONISTS to request time off. BARBERS should use THE BARBERS TIME OFF form.
Manager Time Off Request
Requests for time off must be presented at least two weeks in advance and must be approved prior to taking the time off. We will make every effort to grant requests, however, in some cases requests will be declined and you will be asked to schedule time off on more appropriate dates. Managers and Receptionists must secure coverage before taking time off. Also… it is important to note that no time off will be granted during the two week before Thanksgiving and Christmas, or the week before back-to-school.
Vacation time for employees is as follows: 1 week after the first year, 2 weeks after the second year, and 3 weeks after the fifth year of employment.
If manager is requesting time off that is not covered by paid vacation time, payroll will be adjusted on a per-day rate.
Please enter the exact dates you would like to take off below. Remember DO NOT book hotels, purchase tickets, or confirm plans until you have received confirmation that your request has been approved.